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Al Pastor Kabobs

Al Pastor Kabobs

Skewers of cubed pork tenderloin, white onion, bell pepper and pineapple, grilled and brushed with Custom Culinary® Al Pastor Sauce, served with cilantro-lime rice and pickled red onion.

What You'll Need

Recipe Ingredients

Yield: 12 each

Amount Ingredients
2 quarts Cilantro Lime Rice, SUBRECIPE
12 each Al Pastor Kabobs, SUBRECIPE
8 each Lime Wedges
2 cups Pickled Red Onion, SUBRECIPE
2 cups Custom Culinary® Al Pastor Sauce
16 each 4” Corn Tortillas, Grilled
  Cilantro Lime Rice, SUBRECIPE
2 quarts White Rice, Cooked
1 cup Lime Juice, Fresh
3/4 cup Lime Zest
1/2 cup Cilantro, Rough Chopped
2 tb Salt, Kosher
  Al Pastor Kabobs, SUBRECIPE
2 quarts Pork tenderloin, cut into 1” Cubes (should be at least 36 pieces)
2 cups Custom Culinary® Al Pastor Sauce
2 quarts White Onion, Cut into 1” Pedals
2 quarts Red Bell Pepper, Cut into 1” Pedals
2 quarts Green Bell Pepper, Cut into 1” Pedals
2 quarts Pineapple, Cut into 1” Cubes
  Pickled Red Onion, SUBRECIPE
1 cup Red Wine Vinegar
1/2 cup Sugar, Granulated
2 tb Salt, Koshers
1 cup Ice
2 cups Red Onion, Sliced Thin

  1. Cilantro Lime Rice, SUBRECIPE Gently fold the cooked rice, lime juice, lime zest, chopped cilantro, and salt together until all the ingredients are evenly combined.
  2. Al Pastor Kabobs, SUBRECIPE Marinate cubed pork tenderloin pieces in the Al Pastor Sauce overnight. Alternate each skewer ingredient on wooden skewers. There should be at least 3 pieces of pork per skewer. Grill each skewer until pork reaches an internal temperature of 150°F is reached.
  3. Pickled Red Onions, SUBRECIPE In a medium sauce pot combine vinegar, sugar, and salt. Put over medium heat and bring to simmer whisking until sugar and salt completely dissolve. Add Ice and stir. Pour cooled pickling liquid over sliced red onions, seal, and let set over night before use.