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April 5, 2021

Three Tips for a Healthier Menu

Tags:  Innovation  |  Nutrition

FlavorIQ_Health-in-2021_Custom-Culinary_516x300.pngOver the past several years, we’ve seen an evolution in what the word “healthy” means. When the term once referred to low calories and staying slim, there is now an array of definitions that prioritize various elements of nutrition. 2020 flipped our world upside-down, providing countless challenges and for many, unhealthy-but-warranted habits including staying in more, an increase in snacking, and looking to food for comfort in stressful times. Simultaneously, these circumstances accentuate the importance of nutrition to combat underlying health issues and fight illness.  As we continue on the road to recovery from COVID-19, consumers consider healthy foundations, immunity, and food benefits even more critical than before.

In this short read, you’ll find three focus areas with specific examples of how to execute them on your menu.  

Find a Balance

The yin and yang of wanting healthy items yet wanting to indulge when dining out remains true. Thirty-four percent of consumers say they’re more likely to visit restaurants that offer some healthy options, even if they don’t end up ordering a healthy choice (source: Technomic).  Providing balance on the menu puts control in consumers’ hands and can also broaden the types of occasions for which they will visit your operation.

Keep It Natural

Diets continue to be popular, with growing lifestyles including Keto, Paleo, flexitarian, vegan, and Mediterranean. Active dieting grew in 2020 to 43% of Americans, up from 38% in 2019 and 36% in 2018 (Source: IFIC 2020 Food & Health Survey). But a commonality amongst today’s top diets is simple: natural.


Fuel with Function

Even before the pandemic, consumers have been looking for ways to incorporate functional elements into their diet, which can span from vitamins to superfoods to local honey. While you may already have some of these gems on your menu, consider where you could include simple additions of nuts, seeds, spices, produce, or herbs to increase healthful appeal. Turmeric, ginger, avocado, and salmon are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to functional ingredients and terms that have seen growth over the past four years (Source: Datassential SNAP).

Also, don’t miss the extra promotional tips within the report. These “Spread the Word” reminders can serve as a check list to ensure you are taking advantage of every opportunity to communicate menu changes, healthful additions, and ingredient benefits within menu descriptions and item names, on your website, and across social media platforms.

These three key areas prioritize basic, yet essential, considerations for health on the menu. Starting here allows for simple changes or can inspire a wholesome overhaul. Whether big or small modifications, acknowledging consumers’ desire for health and wellness while not sacrificing flavor lets your guests know you have all their best interests at heart. Until next time, stay true to the food!


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